Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Special Edition of SAJHE 2016 call for papers on critical posthumanism

Yusef Waghid kindly offered to devote a special issue  of the journal he edits - the South African Journal of Higher Education (SAJHE) - to critical posthumanism, new materialisms and the affective turn for socially just higher education pedagogies.  The issue will be published in 2016 and Michalinos Zembylas and Vivienne Bozalek will be the special editors.  There will also be a colloquium on 24 July 2015 in Cape Town for people who are keen to submit papers to the special issue.
We hope that some of you will be interested in submitting something, and if not, you would be willing to make yourself available to review one of the papers. The call for papers is available for download here and contains all the information about the special issue.
If you have any questions about it, don't hesitate to contact Vivienne or Michalinos.